Gambar hiasan

MALAYSIA has long depended on the hard work and dedication of foreign workers to build our cities, harvest our crops, and power our industries. Yet, despite their invaluable contributions, they often endure mistreatment, neglect, and xenophobic attitudes.

The recent case of Rofiq, a 25-year-old Bangladeshi worker sentenced to 26 months in prison after an altercation stemming from unpaid wages, sheds light on the grim realities faced by foreign laborers in our country.

Rofiq’s actions which include assaulting a colleague, issuing threats, and damaging property cannot be condoned. The law must take its course.

However, it is essential to examine the underlying circumstances. His frustration boiled over due to unpaid wages, violating his basic rights as a worker. This incident is a stark reminder of how systemic neglect and abuse can push individuals to the brink.

This is not a call for the prioritization of foreign workers over local ones, nor an attempt to excuse the actions of workers like Rofiq. The wrongdoing in this case, particularly the violence and property damage, is clear and should not be overlooked.

However, we must also recognize that the failure to pay wages and provide fair treatment contributes to such situations, and this systemic issue demands our attention.

Too often, foreign workers in Malaysia are treated as expendable commodities rather than human beings with rights and dignity. Reports of unpaid wages, deplorable living conditions, and a lack of access to legal recourse are all too common.

Yet, instead of addressing these injustices, society often blames the victims. The pervasive narrative of “dangerous foreigners” fuels xenophobia, further marginalizing these workers and obscuring the systemic failures that lead to such incidents.

The roots of this issue run deep. Many Malaysians harbor misconceptions about foreign workers, seeing them as a threat to job opportunities or as burdens on social resources. This mindset not only dehumanizes these individuals but also creates a culture of impunity for those who exploit them.

Employers who delay or withhold wages, housing providers who offer substandard living conditions, and institutions that fail to ensure justice all thrive in this environment of apathy and prejudice.

The consequences of this mistreatment are far-reaching. Beyond the personal suffering endured by workers like Rofiq, such practices tarnish Malaysia’s reputation on the global stage. Our country risks being seen as a place where human rights violations are tolerated, a perception that could deter investors and damage diplomatic relations.

Addressing this issue requires a multifaceted approach. First and foremost, there needs to be stronger legal reform and enforcement. While Malaysia has laws to protect workers, enforcement remains weak. Mechanisms must be strengthened to ensure timely payment of wages, proper working conditions, and access to justice for all workers, regardless of nationality.

Secondly, public awareness campaigns are critical. Efforts to combat xenophobia must begin with education. Malaysians need to understand the contributions of foreign workers and the challenges they face. Media, schools, and community leaders can play a pivotal role in changing perceptions and fostering empathy.

Third, empowering workers is crucial. Foreign workers often lack knowledge of their rights and fear retaliation if they speak out. Organizations like Workers Unmuted and other civil society groups should be supported in their efforts to educate and empower these workers.

Finally, employers must recognize that treating workers with dignity is not just a legal obligation but a moral one. Fair wages, humane treatment, and proper living conditions should be non-negotiable.

The story of Rofiq is not just his story, it is a reflection of a system that has failed him and countless others. It is a wake-up call for Malaysians to confront the prejudice and apathy that perpetuate such injustices.

We must ask ourselves: What kind of society do we want to build? One that values justice, compassion, and fairness, or one that turns a blind eye to the suffering of those who help sustain it? The choice is ours to make.

It is time to reject xenophobia, hold exploitative practices accountable, and ensure that every worker, foreign or local, is treated with the respect and dignity they deserve. For a nation that prides itself on being a harmonious melting pot of cultures, let us extend that spirit of unity and humanity to those who need it most.

By: Shahrizal Mizani 

Shahrizal Mizani is a final year law student from Universiti Sains Islam Malaysia, and is the founder of Workers Unmuted, a youth-lead organisation championing workers rights in Malaysia. 



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