Look at his face. You can judge for yourself how happy he is. He doesn’t look like a man who has anything to hide. He is more famous now than when he was a minister, and able to show his in-depth knowledge of what is happening on the political front in this country. All court cases against the BN leaders are trumped up charges. Insha Allah, with Tommy Thomas (or Tommy Tomato) is not sitting there as AG, there is hope for all those charged with criminal acts (money laundering) will get a fair trial. The rakyat must not be allowed to be cheated and deceived by PH again. Let’s throw our undivided support for TSM as our Prime Minister now and we will decide wisely come PRU-15. Hope the present government can go on until the end of the five year period. I request the government to investigate what happened in KHAZANAH and TABUNG HAJI.
Perkara ini akan dibincangkan sama ada untuk minggu itu sahaja, rakyat Johor perlu bekerja dan bersekolah enam hari atau dikecualikan sehari. Kita akan kaji cara terbaik minimumkan gangguan kepada pelajar, pekerja dan sebagainya.
Look at his face. You can judge for yourself how happy he is. He doesn’t look like a man who has anything to hide. He is more famous now than when he was a minister, and able to show his in-depth knowledge of what is happening on the political front in this country. All court cases against the BN leaders are trumped up charges. Insha Allah, with Tommy Thomas (or Tommy Tomato) is not sitting there as AG, there is hope for all those charged with criminal acts (money laundering) will get a fair trial. The rakyat must not be allowed to be cheated and deceived by PH again. Let’s throw our undivided support for TSM as our Prime Minister now and we will decide wisely come PRU-15. Hope the present government can go on until the end of the five year period. I request the government to investigate what happened in KHAZANAH and TABUNG HAJI.