KUALA LUMPUR – Despite many have expressed their dissatisfaction, former Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Razak backs Datuk Seri Ismail Sabri Yaakob’s new Cabinet list.
In a Facebook post, Najib said that the new Prime Minister’s decision is a move to avoid excessive changes during the critical period.
“Many say that most of the ministers and deputy ministers are from the ‘Recycle Cabinet’.
“I understand why PM9 and YDP Agong made the decision,” he wrote.
Nevertheless, Najib pointed out that almost half of the ministries have changed their leaders.
“Ministers of religion, law and Special Tasks at the Prime Minister’s Department have changed. The Cabinet today needs to be based on their result and achievement.
“As what he said, he would drop ministers who fail to produce result and prove their ability after the 100 days period,” he said.
Meanwhile, Najib, who is also the Member of Parliament (MP) of Pekan believes that the policies of the National Security Council (MKN) for the control of Covid-19 would change too.
“The Chief of MKN has changed. If anyone wants to open the backdoor, the new MKN chief has the right and authority to give his final decision in the execution of policy to stop it,” he added.
For the record, 11 ministries have changed its leadership and they include, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Ministry of Health, Ministry of Defence, Ministry of Science, Technology and Innovation, Ministry of Housing and Local Government, Ministry of Energy and Natural Resources, Ministry of Rural Development, Ministry of Youth and Sports and the Ministry of Entrepreneur and Cooperation.
Ismail Sabri announced his Cabinet with 31 ministers and 38 deputy ministers today. –MalaysiaGazette
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