Transport Minister, Datuk Seri Dr Wee Ka Siong at a news conference on the renewal extension of Motor Vehicle License (LKM) and Malaysian Driving License (LMM) until 31 December 2021 at the Ministry of Transport. PIX: SYAFIQ AMBAK / MalaysiaGazette / 03 SEPTEMBER 2021.
Transport Minister, Datuk Seri Dr Wee Ka Siong at a news conference on the renewal extension of Motor Vehicle License (LKM) and Malaysian Driving License (LMM) until 31 December 2021 at the Ministry of Transport. PIX: SYAFIQ AMBAK / MalaysiaGazette / 03 SEPTEMBER 2021.

By Mohd Zaini Samsu Hadi

PUTRAJAYA – The renewal period for expired Motor Vehicle License (LKM) and Malaysian Driving License (LMM) have been extended to 31 December 2021.

Transport Minister Datuk Seri Dr Wee Ka Siong said that enforcement and compliance actions will not be taken on those with expired LKM and LLM licenses by the Road Transport Department (JPJ) and the Police.

However, the motorists need to ensure that their vehicles are protected by valid insurance and display their valid insurance cover note during inspection.

“The Ministry of Transport is very alert about the feedback from the public on their difficulties in getting services from its agencies such as JPJ while the country is hit by the Covid-19 pandemic.y

“Therefore, the Ministry of Transport has decided to extend renewal period for LKM and LLM until 31 December 2021,” he said during a news conference today.

Ka Siong added, MOT has also taken the initiative on the needs of the people by reopening JPJ counters nationwide, its strategic partner, Malaysian computerized vehicle inspection company (PUSPAKOM) at its maximum walk-in capacity beginning 6 September.

“Consumers who wishes to use the JPJ counters must obtain full vaccination as a precautionary measure to ensure the health and safety of the public, including the staff on duty.

“At the same time, individuals must also show their Low Covid-19 Risk Status through their MySejahtera mobile application,” he said. –MalaysiaGazette


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