Gambar hiasan

The decision to maintain the status quo on alcohol sales in Perak is a glaring example of failed leadership by certain individuals and political parties.

Nga Kor Ming, Woo Kah Leong, Chung Kok Heung, along with the DAP and MCA, have shown an alarming inability to address the real issues at hand—problems that affect public safety and the welfare of all Malaysians, particularly the youth.

MCA and DAP: Out of Touch with the Bigger Picture

The MCA and DAP have demonstrated a knack for politicizing every issue but their interference in matters concerning public health and safety has exposed their lack of understanding of Malay societal concerns. Perhaps they would grasp the bigger picture if their parties had more Malay members in Perak. Until then, they would do well to stop meddling in issues they clearly fail to comprehend.

It is crucial to remember that Malays have never had an issue with non-Muslims partying, drinking, opening bars, attending music festivals, or even clubbing. These freedoms have been enjoyed in this country without restriction, reflecting the Malay community’s respect for the rights of others. However, freedom comes with responsibility. When alcohol abuse begins to harm society—through preventable accidents, addiction, and the erosion of public safety—it becomes a concern for everyone, transcending race and religion.

Nga Kor Ming: Risking More than Reputation

Nga Kor Ming, with his inaction and unwillingness to address alcohol-related issues, risks more than just his credibility as a leader. It would not be surprising if his failure to act on such pressing matters leads to the kind of public backlash he has faced before, including the regrettable incident where his home was attacked. Leadership demands courage and foresight, not complacency and political expediency.

Woo Kah Leong and Chung Kok Heung: Silent and Absent

Woo Kah Leong’s silence on this issue speaks volumes about his priorities while Chung Kok Heung’s lack of meaningful contribution to this debate raises serious questions about his role as a leader. Both have failed to advocate for public welfare or engage constructively in addressing alcohol abuse.

Malaysia’s Paradox: A Ticking Time Bomb

Despite being an Islamic-majority country, Malaysia is ranked as the tenth-largest alcohol consumer globally. This troubling paradox highlights the urgent need for leaders to prioritize public safety and welfare over political rhetoric.

Research by Maniam (1994) reveals the following: 70% of Chinese respondents consume alcohol, with 6% classified as heavy drinkers. 42% of Indian respondents consume alcohol, with none classified as heavy drinkers. 11% of Malay respondents consume alcohol, but 22% of these are heavy drinkers. (Source: Maniam, 1994).

These figures show that alcohol consumption affects all communities, making it a societal issue, not a religious one.

A Call for Accountability and Constructive Leadership

The real question is not about infringing on the rights of non-Muslims but about protecting the lives and futures of Malaysians. Leaders must step up with bold and comprehensive actions:

Stricter Alcohol Sales Regulations

Higher taxes and tougher licensing requirements.
Prohibition of alcohol sales near schools, universities, and residential areas.
Education and Awareness Campaigns:

Nationwide campaigns highlighting the dangers of alcohol abuse.
School-based programs to build awareness among the youth.
Community Engagement:

Partnerships with NGOs, religious organizations, and community leaders.
Foster discussions emphasizing shared responsibilities and societal impact.
Stronger Enforcement:

Strict monitoring of alcohol sales to minors.

Harsher penalties for drunk driving and illegal alcohol sales.

To MCA and DAP: Understand First, Interfere Later

MCA and DAP’s misplaced rhetoric and interference in matters they do not fully grasp only serve to deepen public frustration. If these parties want to weigh in on Malay societal concerns, they should first ensure they have sufficient understanding and representation. Perhaps in the future, with more Malay members in their ranks, they might finally see the broader implications of their inaction and rhetoric.

This is not a call to restrict freedoms but a plea for responsibility. To politicize this issue as an attack on non-Muslim rights is disingenuous and divisive. Malaysians deserve leaders who prioritize public welfare and are willing to tackle the root causes of societal problems.

Nga Kor Ming, Woo Kah Leong, Chung Kok Heung, MCA, and DAP must remember: true leadership is about addressing uncomfortable truths and making difficult but necessary decisions. Failing to do so not only risks public safety but also erodes trust in their ability to lead.

The time for action is now. For the sake of our youth, our safety, and our future, leaders must rise above political convenience and act with integrity.

Iskandar Khoo Kuan Yiaw

Ketua Kawasan badan Perhubungan PN Kawasan Kepong


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