Disagree to amend SOSMA makes criminals insolent – Hamzah
If the amendment of Subsection 4(5) of the Security Offences (Special Measures) Act 2012 (SOSMA) is not passed at the Dewan Rakyat, it would cause the criminals to be insolent
Pleaded guilty for attempt to murder wife, cleaner sentenced to 3...
A cleaner was sentenced to three years in jail by the Sessions Court today for attempting to murder his wife by strangling, beating and smothering her face with pillow.
Government denies distributing low-cost houses to political parties
The government rejected the accusations of Khalid Samat (Shah Alam Parliament – Pakatan Harapan) about a policy in Johor which distributes low-cost houses to the members of political parties
KPWKM committed in tackling child marriage
The Ministry of Women, Family and Community Development (KPWKM) is committed in championing and tackling the cause of child marriage
Covid-19: 73 deaths yesterday (22 Mar)
73 Covid-19 deaths were reported yesterday in Malaysia. From that amount, 23 cases were brought-in-dead (BID)
10,000 inmates will fill vacancies left by foreign workers – Hamzah
Approximately 10,000 inmates who will be going to the Parole System Programme, Licensed Release of Prisoners Programme and Resident Reintegration Programme will be placed in industries to fill up vacancies left by foreign workers.
Lokman apologises, Syarie Chief Judge defamation suit settled amicably
Syarie Chief Judge Datuk Dr Mohd Na’im Mokhtar’s suit over allegations of sexual harassment against Datuk Lokman Noor Adam was settled amicably today with an apology by the former UMNO Supreme Council member
MOH issues compound to Kit Siang, asks Najib to pay fine
The Ministry of Health (MOH), had issued a compound to Lim Kit Siang for violating SOP during DAP Congress last Sunday
Covid-19 infections reduced by 1,277 cases yesterday
The daily Covid-19 infections in the country continued to reduce to 17,828 cases yesterday, said the Director-General of Health
K-KOMM investigates steamy scene, Zul Ariffin apologises
Actor, Zul Ariffin is currently facing action from the Ministry of Communications and Multimedia (K-KOMM)