Dr Adham Baba MOSTI mRNA Covid-19 vaccine Malaysia
Adham Baba

By Mohd Zaini Samsu Hadi

PUTRAJAYA – The Ministry of Science, Technology and Innovation (MOSTI) will collaborate with several countries to develop messenger ribonucleic acid mRNA Covid-19 vaccine.

Its Minister, Datuk Seri Dr. Adham Baba said that the measure is taken to speed up its manufacturing process.

However, it would require the cooperation from those countries and it is the latest vaccine development.

“It is not only for the Covid-19 vaccine, but it would also involve other vaccines such as dengue and others.

“We have the technology and the latest is in the mRNA development, a genetic technology… we need to develop it,” he said during a news conference today.

Dr Adham said, to several scientists are needed to develop the vaccine and they will be placed at the Institute of Medical Research (IMR) and the Ministry of Health (MOH).

He said, the cloning stage is ongoing and they need to go through many other processes.

The former Minister of Health was earlier quoted saying that Malaysia is in the midst of developing Covid-19 vaccine in a collaboration between the IMR and Universiti Putra Malaysia (UPM).

The mRNA vaccine was developed in November last year and it is in the stage of cloning the original variant of the virus besides other SARS-CoV-2 (Covid-19) variants. – MalaysiaGazette